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Lent Course - First Fruits - A brief summary of our first session


'I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.' (John 15:5)

Last week was the first week of our study as a Parish of the Lent Course First Fruits. Don't worry if you missed the first session, you're more than welcome to join us this week. The meetings will take place at the same time each week, Tuesdays 7.30pm via Zoom, and Wednesdays 7.30pm at the Whitby Seafarers Mission on Haggersgate.

Just to very briefly outline some of what we looked at in the first session, the concept of 'first fruits'. This session sought to deepen our understanding of the biblical basis of first fruits, and how that may be applied to our lives. We discussed God's awesome generosity to us in creation, and how all that we have is freely given to us by Him. He has abundantly provided for His creatures, and given us enough to not only survive, but to enjoy the riches of His goodness. We have been given stewardship over God's creation, and whichever way that God blesses us, be it financially or in our skills, abilities, or other resources, we ought to respond to that joyfully by freely sharing that blessing with others, to the glory of God. However, this is not something we simply need to strengthen our resolve to 'do better' in (though undoubtedly that is a part of it!), it is something which must come from a soul abiding in Christ. As in the passage above from John 15, we must be rooted in Christ in all that we do, in order that we may bear genuine fruit (of which generosity is one) and that God may be glorified, and we ourselves sanctified. We cannot go about it in our own strength. We must abide in Christ, and He in us.

'I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.' (John 15:11)

We hope you can join us this week as we look forward to continuing to explore this important topic together!



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